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Coalition to Pass the VT PRO Act Meeting

April 11, 2024
7:00PM - 8:00PM
Repeating Event
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Pass the Vermont PRO Act

The Coalition to Pass the VT Protect the Right to Organize (PRO) Act (bill number S.102), is a coalition of 26 Labor unions and allied organizations.

Our goal is to make it easier for workers in both the private and public sectors to form a union by enacting the following:

  1. Making it easier for workers in the public sector to form unions
  2. Expanding collective bargaining rights to agricultural and domestic workers
  3. Protecting workers’ freedom of speech by preventing employers from forcing employees to attend captive audience meetings.

Last year, S.102 passed the Senate (23-7) and had its first hearing in the House Committee on General and Housing on January 25th.

Please join us to strategize to win!

Last, if you haven't already written to your Representative(s), please send them a letter asking them to support S.102