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Better in a Union Video Still

It's Better in a Union

71% of Americans support unions, the highest level in nearly 60 years. And our future is bright: 88% of people younger than 30 support unions, too.


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Tell us why the PRO Act is important to you and how it will help all working people.

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Read the Report

Death on the Job: The Toll of Neglect, 2021

Read the Report

Get Involved

Write to Your Reps & Ask Them to Support S.102 (the VT PRO Act)

On January 25th, the House Committee on General and Housing held its first hearing on the Vermont Protect the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, S.102.

Now, your Representative(s) need to hear from you to keep this historic bill moving!

Would you please write a letter to your Representative(s), asking them to please support S.102 (the VT PRO Act)? Simply click on the link to start writing! There is a letter template, but a personal touch is always best. If you are able, please share your own experiences in forming a union or what belonging to a union has meant to you and your family.

If you would prefer, you may also call your Representative(s) by dialing (938) 800-0294 or 802-828-2228 (Sargeant-At-Arms). Here is a suggested script, but it is always good to make it personal!

  • "Hello, Representative [THEIR NAME]. My name is [YOUR NAME], and I live in [YOUR TOWN OR DISTRICT]."
  • "I am asking you to support S.102, also known as the Vermont Protect the Right to Organize or PRO Act, because…[CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING]"
    • [LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD] "We need to level the playing field between employers and employees and ensure that all workers, no matter what they do, can exercise their right to organize without coercion or fear of retaliation."
    • [WORKPLACE DEMOCRACY] "All workers, no matter what they do, deserve a voice on the job."
    • [UNION DIFFERENCE] "All workers, no matter what they do, should have the fair chance to collectively bargain for better wages and benefits."
    • [OR BRIEFLY SHARE YOUR PERSONAL STORY] "My union gave me job security and financial stability [FOR EXAMPLE]."
  • "Thank you for your time."

Please remember that Representatives and the Sergeant-At-Arms receive many calls per day. Be kind and thank them for their time.

Please help spread the word!

Write a Letter

Petition to Protect Workers' Right in Vermont!

Sign this petition to tell Vermont lawmakers to expand workers' rights by passing the Vermont PRO Act!

Higher unionization rates benefit all workers, both union and non-union. Vermont is only the 14th most union-dense state in the U.S., surpassed by nearby states New York, Rhode Island, Maine, and Connecticut. We can do better!

The 2023 legislative session is an opportunity for lawmakers to demonstrate their commitment to Vermont workers and organized labor by making our state a leader in pro-labor reforms.

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